1. Learning Objectives

This material is built for a 2-hr workshop, planning on 90 minutes for the workshop and 30 minutes for questions and helping participants.

In this workshop, the participants will gain a basic understanding about the following topic:

  • What is DRAGONS, what it isn’t.

  • What is a typical DRAGONS workflow.

  • What are the principal components of DRAGONS.

  • What is a recipe, a recipe library, and a primitive.

  • How to do coarse inspection of the data.

  • How to use the calibration manager.

  • How to customize input parameters and recipes.

  • How to control reduce.

  • What utility tools are available and how to use them.

This workshop tries to cover a lot in a short period of time. The focus will be on some key, often needed elements. The participants should refer to the DRAGONS documentation for more in-depth information.

This workshop uses the command-line interface to DRAGONS. An API is available but will not be covered in this workshop.

1.1. Setting up

The participants who wish to following along and run the examples and exercises are expected to have already installed DRAGONS on their computer. See the installation instructions, Installation Guide.

Follow the Python 3 and DRAGONS instructions, IRAF is not needed. Make sure that you do the steps in the “Configure DRAGONS” section.


This workshop is written for DRAGONS v3.1

The participants will need to download the data package to run the examples and the exercises:


Download it and unpack it somewhere convenient.

cd <somewhere convenient>
tar xvf niriim_tutorial_datapkg-extended-v1.tar
bunzip2 niriimg_tutorial/playdata/example1/*.bz2

The datasets are found in the subdirectory niriimg_tutorial/playdata/example1/, and we will work in the subdirectory named niriimg_tutorial/playground.


If you are attending a live workshop, it is advisable to also download the preprocessed data package in case you encounter technical difficulties that prevents you from running the full demo yourself. The content of that package will allow you to continue with most of the exercises using those preprocessed data. Download the “just-in-case” package at:


You do not need to do anything with it now other then keeping it somewhere safe. Hopefully, everything will run smoothly and you will not need it.